Dr. Cornelius L. Dennis is the Senior Pastor of The Father's Heart Worship Center located in Fairfield, California. He received his Bachelor of Biblical Studies, Masters of Christian Counseling, and Doctorate of Divinity through Sacramento Theological Seminary and Bible College. He has also served as a former certified Diplomat Christian Teacher and staff member for STSBC.
Dr. Dennis is "The Author of Truth Teller, the Friend That Every Man Should Have," The Husband of Tanya Dennis, and the father of three.
Dr. Dennis has teamed up with Kingdom International Ministries, whose travels have reached into South and West Africa. Their international affairs have included:
· Meeting with world leaders.
· The introduction of programs that allocate international aid geared toward helping rebuild locations within countries that have been devastated by civil war and catastrophic events.
· Helping to build more educational platforms while developing trained leaders to impact the Judicial, economic, and spiritual climate surrounding the people.
· Raising funds to help build schools, churches, care homes, training centers, and other initiatives geared toward moral advancements.
Dr. Dennis is a former member of the advisory board to Life Streams International Ministries. Life Streams is a tactical mission outreach that feeds and houses African nations of forgotten indigenous people throughout the continent of Africa.
Dr. Cornelius L. Dennis has a heart for all nations of people. He desires to see all ethnicities come together and fulfill the mandate of Micah 4:1-2, where the mountain of the house of the Lord is established above all others, and all nations come to that mountain to learn the righteous way of the Lord.
Pastor Tanya Dennis is a Woman of Worship who believes that her sole purpose in ministry, next to winning souls into the Kingdom of God, is to sing and worship God in spirit and in truth; following the leading of His Spirit, and not that of her flesh or talent.
Tanya Co-Pastors alongside her husband, Dr. Cornelius Dennis, at The Father’s Heart Worship Center located in Fairfield, California. They have been married for 24 years and have three beautiful children: Jasmin, Corian, and Cornelius Jr.
As the Praise and Worship Leader at The Father’s Heart, Tanya, through her strong, intimate flow of worship, has created an atmosphere for the prophetic to take place. Through her gifting of prophetic song, God uses her to bring breakthrough into the lives of the people He leads her to minister to. It is her wholehearted belief that in the midst of worship, once the atmosphere has been set for the Holy Spirit to move freely, healing and deliverance can take place.
Residing in such a powerful place of worship has resulted in Tanya birthing forth a passionate call to Intercessory Prayer; in which the Heart of the Father for His people of all ethnicities, has been revealed. The call to intercession has also highlighted Tanya's Preacher/Teacher grace gift. She has taught subjects such as Spiritual Warfare, Demonology, and many other subjects which help to expose the tricks and devices of the enemy.
Tanya has a heart for all of God’s people, especially for women who feel they have no self-value or purpose in life. She knows what it is to go through life’s trials, but more importantly, she knows what it is to exit them triumphantly! In her own words, “If it had not been for God’s Mercy and Grace I would not be standing today”! Therefore, it is her sincere desire to see the people of God totally delivered, set free from every form of bondage, completely healed, and restored back to their God-given place of Kingdom dominion and authority!
Pastor Tanya Dennis, a Daughter in relentless pursuit of The Father’s Heart!